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Janitor acceptance emails will be sent out over the coming weeks Make sure to check your spam box!

dying before the bump limit edition

>What to Play
>Individual Game Pastas

A bunch of roguelikes you will never play were updated

Empires of Eradia: The Cataclysm of Chaos Alpha V31H

Road Warrior Release 1 released

Zorbus Release 11 released

>/rlg/'s shared DCSS online account
User: rlgrobin
Password: ownfault (or "robin" on Xtahua)

Roguelike Servers
http://roguenex.us /(CDDA, Angband, PCB)
http://angband.live/ (Angband and variants, including Frogcomposband)
http://hardfought.org/ (NetHack and variants)

Last thread: >>25265457
how long does it take to code a cool roguelike from scratch
5-6 years
good roguelike
Does anybody know the mechanic for failure/success for gain health and gain energy potions in Mage Guild?
Does the success chance change over time, based on sphere collection, level depth, or what? Is it just random? Trying to be efficient with permanence/duplication.
It's been a long time, but as I recall the more potions you use to raise your health and energy, the lower the chances that future ones will work.
Alright bros, I am the anon from before. Looked for a python tutorial and I can't even get through step one, which apparently requires me to run an executable that doesn't exist. I'm done with coding forever.
Never mind, I did it. A bright future awaits me
gotta learn the basics of python first, lad
iron imp
I remember doing this python tutorial many years ago (or at least a previous version of it):
Not about roguelikes though.
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>>252826825 (OP)
You fucked up the link to the prvious thread
>>252654570 →

Also could have probably added Sil-Q 1.4.2 and Nethack 3.6.2 to the news.
I just saw you guys died and made a new thread. My apologies it is not up to your usual standards.
7 days.
Factually true
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Frozen Depths anon here. I have finally cleared the 34th floor and I'm preparing to face the boss. What do
It was inevitable.
Hit him until he dies
Save the game.
Which roguelike has the best soundtrack?
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Can anyone link me some good escape music? Because I have to get the fuck out of here as soon as humanly possible
https://youtu.be/0jgrCKhxE1s [Embed]
That totally fits
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Congrats so far anon
Enjoy bro but don't forget to take your time if shit gets too crazy. It's still a turn-based game anon
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It's over bros. I tried.
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Youuuuuu sonofabitch. Are you doing it, anon?
Oh my
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f5 f5 f5 f5
How do you get colder in this game?
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I defeated the boss on D34 instead of D35. Not a big difference. If it wasn't for that, I would have actually died, so that's fine. But the game ain't won yet lads. At least I have a decent strategy now.
Based. Now rest up and repeat!
Fug. Will you message him and tell him all about it?
I will tell him how much of a nigger he is and link him this thread
Is this the first time someone's ever actually defeated the boss and made it out alive?
I found the entrance to the minotaur labyrinth in dcss. I don't want to attempt it yet. Will the entrance decay if I leave the level it is on or can I go clear lair or something then come back?
According to the lore, it is. Some korean dude probably defeated the game without ever taking damage, but let's stay true to the traditional history.
That from IVAN?
Congratulations, anon! What was your build and strategy?
two handed weapon dwarf warrior. I never used throwing weapons because I couldn't be arsed. I figured two handed weapons are better because they deal so much extra damage, whereas the extra armor would let you tank one or two more hits, but this might be wrong. I also made sure I always had enough gold for a resurrection, the first thing I did was sell stuff to get it at the lowest price.

But what really carried me through this game were two abilities: dash and knockback. These two (combined with destroy walls) actually allowed me to escape 300% speed heroes without even having to worry. I was able to get out of a tight corridor packed with powerful enemies, even though I was surrounded, thanks to destroy wall, dash and knockback. They are essential.
Very nice, are you going to make another pastebin with your strategy?
The general strategy was
>accurate style for most enemies
>defensive style only in extremely rare situations where it made sense
>fast style when running away (every two seconds)
>brutal style only when enemies were stunned or couldn't act, since it reduces armour by 10
After defeating the boss, you can pray for cold. The secondary source are spotted seeds, which have a 50% chance of cooling you. I had eight of them, and by the time I reached the altar at 5 HP, I had 0. Potions of frost cool you very slightly but the damage they deal to you makes it not worth it, and I had to learn that the hard way. Frozen pools also cool you, but I didn't have any this game.
back to the general after a long time, what game is this ?
Frozen Depths I believe
Read above: frozen depths. No one was able to both defeat the final boss and escape the dungeon until today.
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>Yes, I note the unconventional approach to spatial mapping through logarithm-assisted emulation of Intel hardware followed by a percussive transform to get the render step. It's quite intriguing, how you've done it, and I don't believe I would ever have thought of it.
>Anyone up for tackling Mac?

Sil-Q gets typewriter support before Mac support.
This one is a bit tricky, you have type the output manually. And because of the limited computing power of the Typewriter,
you'll have to do most of the computing on Graph paper with the help of a slide rule.

Algorithm for running Sil-Q on a typewriter:
1. Compile the source into assembly using the makefile for GCU mode sicne that will give you an output that can be typed out on your typewriter.
2. Copy out the relevant diagrams and tables for an x86-64 precessor, you'll need these in your calculations.
3. Take out your slide rule and graph paper
4. Start crunching numbers, this step may take up to several years. Be patient and DON'T PANICK.
5. Type out the resulting output on your typewriter.
6. Mark your desired input in a notebook, then repeat step 4. from where you left off taking into account the input you just wrote down.
7. Type out the resulting output either below your previous output or on top of it using an eraser ribbon or white out.

The game can now be played by repeating steps 6. and 7. , All on your very own typewriter!
>have to cut down half the amazon rainforest just to play one game of Sil
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>early panlord level, I'm not really strong enough for these yet
>quaff every pot and spam god abilities
>miraculously survive
>feeling invincible
>looted some armors and rings
>juggle combinations a bit to see which set will offer best protection and resistances
>enter portal
>lair level, easy
>wait why am I getting so much damage
>8 AC
>forgot to put body armor back on
>can't cblink because heavenly storm is active
>you begin slowing down
I need a name for a character, one that is so good that it will prevent me from dying.
Fred the Unkillable
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Thanks, but it's too long
>name length limit
>unicode not supported
Is it not the current year?
well done, lad
As long as it takes.
Immortal Bob
roguelikes, how about 'em, huh?
I like them because they are fun, strategic and challenging.
>>252808439 →
That gif is great
Wait so DCSS isn't a roguelike?
You are correct.
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Trying out this new Ambush ability in Sil-Q and oh boy can you do a lot of damage as a stealth archer.
If you combine it together with Deadly Hail and Rout you can probably chain kills together like crazy.
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Oh my, and I get an artifact helmet.
Have you seen the new dragon-horn bows
They must do crazy damage with a dedicated archer
The objects.txt says it has 4d2 damage and weighs 4.5lb.

Lets say you have 3 strength and shoot at an unwary enemy with the deadly hail bonus and get a double crit, that's 14d5 if I'm not mistaken. Maximum 70 damage, pretty good.
hello do you have pictures of Kai's elona adventures
search the archives, they're probably there on /jp/
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I'm the only one who feels uneasy and nervous while playing C:DDA? This game give me a strange feeling that something terrible will happen or pop up if I try to explore those weird locations.
Cooking: the roguelike when?
You're supposed to feel that way
I'm looking forward to your cooking roguelike, anon.
I don't want to make one, though.
Sounds like an interesting idea, hopefully we can play your cooking roguelike soon.
>filthy rag deals 20 damage 1.19 blows at level 19

Kill me
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DCSS isn't fun as a video game experience. It's more fun in a chess way.
What roguelikes have great core combat mechanics?
Hard mode: no sil
God mode: no doomrl
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Lufia 2
Extra life!
That's Caves of Qud

That makes no sense
Does CDDA have obesity yet?
>That makes no sense
Single player video games are typically about enjoying the ride, not the destination. There's nothing to enjoy about DCSS's ride (current DCSS at least), it's a very repetitive and bland ride. The fun in DCSS comes from employing learned tactics to overcome obstacles and win, like chess.
Sounds like you're looking for a thread long autistic argument.
roguelikes are traditionally not about enjoying the ride, but about getting to the end. they're a type of puzzle where the gameplay is a sort of meta-gameplay that is learning to solve the game and the reward is knowing what happens when you finish the game, and the fulfillment from knowing that you managed to beat the game. this is why there's a relatively greater emphasis on spoilers. that winstreak speedrunning mentality is a modern adaptation.
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Hell yeah, snipin' dragons.
why aren't you playing roguelikes on a Friday night/Saturday morning, /rlg/?
>there's a relatively greater emphasis on spoilers
Explain the popularity of Nethack.
i'm not sure what there is to explain. it's just a very old and very hard game and not many people play it anymore. i really like nethack, it's my favorite roguelike.

Of COURSE a water elemental has a two-tile frost aura, of course. Because the living water only has a one-tile aura, I should have expected that the big one has a two-tile aura, because that's the only way I could have expected that I'd be taking damage at a distance, because it's not like you can actually SEE the fucking aura!

Fuck Rogue's Tale. Why is it so infuriating? Why is it so goddamn addictive? I'm like a battered wife at this point. I know the next death is just going to be more bullshit that I had no fucking way of predicting, but I'm going to do it anyway, because I'll be damned if I let this fucking game beat me.
Learn English.
this is shilling and must be deleted
>>252904303 →
show me my mistake
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funny you should mention that particular roguelike,I just wish there was a way to change the player's character sprite like in certain versions of DCSS
You type like a 5 year old and failed to understand the context of the post you was replying to.
this doesn't count as showing
FUCKING inventory management. I need to drop this 0 charge wand, but I KNOW as soon as I do it, I guarantee that the next floor will have a recharge wand on it.
Learn reading comprehension
Eat my filthy, slimy asscrack you fucking Jew.
also >was
not a good time to be doing this

show me my mistake
Stop trying to bait replies.
>the reward is knowing what happens when you finish the game
Yeah I'm sure the usual brief win message is what gets people out of bed in the morning
>greater emphasis on spoilers
haha no
>mentioning winstreak speedrunning for no reason

There are better ways to bump the thread you know?
I pressed 'o left' instead of 'u o left' and now I'm dead.
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Counterpoint: I enjoy grinding.
What the fuck happened to the hunger system in DDA? You can eat a ton of food and 5 minutes later you're hungry again. What fat ass programmed that shit in?
Kevin "Mcdonaldforbreakfast" Tyler
Learn English.
god damn how do I even fix this autism
>checks for hunger every 10 mins and then sets it to static values based on how much food there is still on your stomach instead of just making eating give you calories and those calories slowly get used up
god that is some spaghetti.
I haven't actually played with the new hunger system, but from what I gathered by description, it's now impossible to see your actual nutrition level.
Instead, you see how full your stomach feels.
So you can eat some calorie-dense food and you'll satisfy your actual nutritional need, but your stomach will still be empty so you'll see Hungry indicator.
Or you can eat tons of empty filling which will just stuff your stomach without actually providing nutrition, so you'll be still starving but your hunger indicator would be showing that you are Full.

It's also written by a guy who doesn't check that his code actually works.
For example, his initial version which he claimed was "ready for merge testing" had a sign for beverage quench removal inverted so drinking liquids made you more parched.
>if five_mins > 0
>not if five_mins
dabbing on those spaghetticucks
The food digestion system is currently being reworked to allow for obesity and so on. There are however no consequences for being fat yet.
You don't need to eat food just because you are hungry.
So how do I keep track of how much food I do need?
Where do all those artefact tridents come from?
That is a fucking godly trident. Anyways, a bunch of merfolk lords probably had some duels down there and got picked off by something hungry after wearing each other down.
>-4 str
oh no no no
Eat when you are "famished" or worse.
+11 elec with two good resists (albeit one is useless as a General Tso worshiper) is really, really nice. That strength modifier doesn't mean shit unless you're a hybrid.
> Currently, your survivor needs about 2500 kcals every day.
> Hunger is different from your physical caloric needs, and is instead based on the volume of food in your stomach - and the time since you last ate
> If you are hungry, but don’t really need to eat - your hunger display will show hungry
> If you are hungry, but need to eat - your hunger display will show very hungry
> If you are hungry, and have a kcal deficit - your hunger display will show famished, and with a severe deficit starving
> Your kcal count is internally measured out of 77000 kcals, and you can see how much in deficit/surplus you are by turning on debug mode.
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what happens if I drink it bros
So what's the point of having "hungry" displayed?
Just to completely mislead players?
unironically immersion as a given reason.
Eating half a moose and being a hungry again after ten minutes is really immersive.
I can really feel like I'm Kevin.
Is strength actually good? Last time I checked I was advised to invest into dexterity instead (Or Intelligence for casters)
Well, I dunno. I'm guessing it's just supposed to be realistic.
Also, as far as I understand, it takes time for your body to actually absorb the calories of the food you're eating, which might mean that it's better to eat before you actually run into a calorie deficit. (At least once they actually programmed consequences for calorie deficit.) It will probably eventually become a balancing act between eating too soon and getting fat or eating too late and having your body digest itself.

The system rework has nothing to do with Kevin. It's by some guy called KorGgenT.
Somewhere along the way they changed how stats work and made dexterity useless.
Basically strenghtening reduces armor penalty and increases weapon damage with all weapons.
Back then Dex would also increase weapon damage when using small weapons
There's nothing realistic about this.
You're not living the live of a programmer who sits on their ass all day, it's the zombie apocalypse.
Obesity is the least of your problems.

Kevin merged this crap into the main branch even though it's retarded and buggy as shit, he's definitely responsible.
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>tfw you enter a 40% black floor
If it's buggy as shit then post bug reports instead of complaining about le kevin.
I rather revert to a commit before this crap was introduced.
A bug report saying "this is fucking retarded" won't get very far.
>A bug report saying "this is fucking retarded" won't get very far.
Yes, that is the point.
I could write a whole well-reasoned essay of why it's bad but you fucking know it's a wasted effort.
Have you ever seen Kevin REMOVE a new overly complicated and pointless broken feature?
How long was ranged combat broken again for an "overhaul" that still offers little benefit?
caves of CRUD
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Nice game
Shoot, wait, other action.
Frozen depths
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I don't mind the gender stuff. But can't the devs see other people don't care?
Can't you see that other people care?
Mmm, the delicious taste of slacktivism.
Oh fuck yes. They care so much if you give an inch of disagreement they'll say your brain is fucked up.
Oh. For some reason I read that twitter post at first as being anti-genderstuff. I'm tired.
Dex is hardcapped for dodging and other actions and stuff to like 28 or 38 or so? Str scales much better on otabs
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>>252826825 (OP)
Newfag here. Are there any roguelikes for Linux (laptop)? Is it possible to make roguelikes on Linux?
Most roguelikes are on Linux
Good to know, thanks.
>the game spawns a 300% speed upgraded enemy that instantly chugs all the piety I gathered in the past 15 floors
Yes, check your repo. So far I've seen angband, nethack, powder, dcss and tome. You can also use wine to run win rls like elona with little to no issues (mostly midi problem, just install timidity and switch in-game music to MCI). No luck for caves of kek though
Am I missing something to the drama here? The tweet you posted is clearly responding to other people who DO care. Unless he's just mistaken and there's nobody complaining about non-binary genders? But that seems super unlikely, there are people who are so incapable of separating them self from their political circlejerk outrage culture that they'll complain about anything that seems slightly "sjw" regardless of context. Unless I'm misunderstanding something it seems hard to believe that "people don't care"
Is that guy holding two pieces of shit in his pic
lol, the irony of exonerating sjws whilst accusing a "political circlejerk outrage culture"
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Not used to playing non Formicids anymore. Game was kind enough to remind me how though!
Fault incoming
I want tinfoilhatrl. You go to a secret base in antarctica, fight jews, reptilians, pleiadians, freemadons, iluminatti, and win by proving the world is flat. You also use mkultra psychic powers to help your journey
i'm careful enough for now, i learned to be maining Formicid. not having teleport/blink/haste will really change your strategys
I’m playing dwarf fortress :P
coding and playing Dominions
Are there any races with inherent clarity?
no, that would be racist
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TGGW is pretty fun
brogue more like BRUHgue amirite
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You guys think I should do holy wrath onto this eveningstar? Distortion is stupid and getting annoying
>the game spawns a 300% speed enemy right next to you that takes away half your hp with each hit
To be fair, I did do a thing that has a chance of spawning a random monster. Fault.
Frozen depths is bullshit guys. That winning run was beginner's luck, this game is a fucking torture
Yes lol, youre worshipping tso
>Not secure
how do i change my IP
was thinnking of maybe saving it for this broadaxe too since its already +5 and i already did axes to mindelay
Oh, then get an exec axe or broad axe + shield, i suppose if youre a bit scared
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not sure if i want to run exe axe, so used to having 2h+ shield. broad axe should be good enough right
i have literally every option right now, and two eveningstars, one i rebranded to freeze at +5
Maxwell's Coffin on DDFi, y/n?
Duh, the fucking game is a nightmare. I usually make it to the 3rd boss with a LOT of consumable burn but sometimes the game just shits on you and makes every wand a Nightmare one that'll summon a Fierce/Superior something to shit on you
Yeah, broad axe is just fine

Is that the platearmor or head cage?
Armor. I also found Frostbite on L:6. Can I please be allowed to tab now PLEASE
What gameame?
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so far so good i'd say
hopefully i can find some decent boots gloves or a shield sometime
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>this item
Seething Chaos
Glowing Shitshifter
grazing doesn't sound very hedonic
At what distance can fungal spores infect you?
A bit too late to be asking that
Just wear a filter mask, famalady.
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I'm like 80 spaces away
Grazing can be slang for just eating slowly and constantly throughout the day. Like "I didnt have lunch or dinner today, I have just been grazing since I woke up from my nap.". Seems pretty hedonic to me.
>giant 8x8 room walled off with 3 rows of doors and then 4 giant runed doors on depths:4
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You don't have the nerve.
I mean how bad could it be? A. Liches, gold dragons and juggernauts? Oooooh so scary
Thanks again, another anon.
I really wish Zot traps could give -Tele as a temp mutation, as the perfect "fuck you" for late game play.
How are you supposed to keep pets alive in Brogue? It feels like as soon as any caustic gas or fire appears my pets are doomed because of how retarded their ai is
what are your favourite roguelikes to play casters in?
I'm not a brainlet, so none
Would you rather learn to play a couple of coffee break roguelikes, or focus entirely on a beefy roguelike like Nethack?
>using anything with rage
>current year
It carried me to elf:2 hall of blades where I got a distortion one. It's all about positioning and threat management
Being cross trained in axes to almost mace mindelay also helped forsurethough
Angband makes a fun caster. Nethack too, nethack spells are so op it makes it pretty fun at least before you get the amulet and energy costs go up a lot.
A game that's actually "like Rogue" takes a few days to create.
A game like DCSS with lots of content/options, both a terminal and graphical mode and neat stuff like search features, maps and dungeon management is another thing. I suspect balancing a game of that scale is an evergoing work too.
>fell down a shaft into the boss floor with 50 hp

Just like in the movies. Now is your time to shine.
A couple of coffee break RLs, so I can actually learn from my mistakes instead of having to check spoilers for everything in case it ruins my hours long run
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fug :DDD
Gun to my head, probably the coffee break ones, but ONLY if they truly can be learned and beaten within a day or two of starting if you're non-terrible. Otherwise, I'll choose a beefy RL, but only if it's not as spoiler-laden as Nethack -- something like Angband with monster spoilers activated is perfectly beefy.
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I'm on DL25 bros, will probably defeat the fourth boss with ease. But I'm gonna be busy all week so I'll see you. I know you all come to this general just to see my posts so I'll be there
gl Tod
Isn't every character in larn a caster? Or maybe its more like no character in larn is a caster...
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it's the only way to play
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wish i tried nets like 3 or 5 years ago
didn't realize he was only "large" size
fuckin 'a
I'm playing my first fofi (of zin, should I go TSO?) , any tips on how to skill? Do you really do the whole dig a murder hole deal?
You killed her?
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really you only need one up (left or right) and one down (same) in some spots. usually i dont even bother
the real thing to learn is engaging knowing you cant tele
and yes i suggest TSO because cleansing flame at 20+invo destroys entire game
yea, lig'd and cleansing flame spam murdered everything

side onte
holy fuck i hope zin can purify me with only 7 mut pots
mnoleg and slime did me super dirty this game
White women fuck dogs.
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playing gargoyle should be considered cheating
holy shit i havent seen dispersal traps as a non formicid yet
tomb is nasty as FUCK now
i dont even know WHAT'S going on
also shafting in hell is nice, bring mapping scrolls though. and abuse the 2h+shield ability. its literally the only reason to play them
Not the guy you're replying to, but yes, 100% until you're untouchable (which isn't hard on a FoFi).

Remember: digging as a Formicid is essentially free, and you should dig even if you're in danger as long as your back is to a wall -- you literally have no other escape options (besides shafting). Murder holes don't need to be complicated: just make sure only one monster can possibly be seen.

V:5 should be shafted into -- you'll hopefully land away from the center, which is massively dangerous with -Tele and no haste.

With my FoFi, I leveled shields knowing that every major break point was at a 1/5 of the skill required for a given shield type (so, for the regular shield, every 1.8 skill levels, since Fo penalty is eliminated at 9 skill). I always recommend maces and flails since mindelay is easily achieved, they're common, Formicids don't have great physical apts, and both the best 2H option (great mace) and best speed option (demon whip) are solid.

Otherwise, it's the same skilling as other otab types: get some Armour and Dodging, maybe some Invo and Evo as needed, maybe other ranged options, and do the whole "offense -> other options/defense -> defense/other options -> rinse and repeat" thing.

I highly recommend skilling Shields a bit earlier than other defense options, tho, as it will help lower your attack speed and give a big boost to your defense, all while not costing too much XP due to Formicids' good shield aptitude. Shield+weapon is usually a good starting skill choice, IMO.
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Majin-Bo is a female now? what the fuck?
i really dont like the way tomb totally manhandles you now holy shit
just going to go for the 14
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once again i skipped tomb but sometime ill get back around to it
ive only gotten it 3 times ever
Yeah, welcome to die.

I think it's been that way for a bit.
Sexist sjw feminist bigots are slowly corrupting everything they can get their filthy clutches on.
>not wanting to give you life essence to a sexy demon
It's insane isn't it? They say oh it's not a big deal and then proceed to flip shit over genders and then get their way; then someone will ask hey what's the deal with all the focus on gender now and you'll be called out for misogyny and trans hate when in reality some of us just wonder why. Fucking pricks. Even roguelikes aren't safe anymore. Fucking something awful faggots. FUCK.
Just make everything female at least then it will stay constant. Or would they then shoehorn in some fucked backstory "this elite ventured into the dungeon to seek the orb to make a gender transition" etc etc
I can't discern the reason for your anger through the sheer amount of dandruff you just snowed onto my screen.
It's pretty clear he is annoyed by the leftist sexist crusading and their anti male agenda.
Damn. You didn't spilll your MTN dew did you Cherry Lucia Rainbowdiamond? Hopefully it didn't get in your gaping gash. Don't forget to dilate
Good night, /rlg/
General advice for a TrMo^Qazlal?
It's open source just fork your own little incel nazi branch or whatever
Play standard but be prepared late game for absolutely entire floors bumrushi g you
Pray for early gold dragon armour? You're UC RIGHT? Get a shield in orc or earlier

shield doesn't like take away any UC attacks right? once you've got enough skill to take away penalty?
or you can fork your own progressive paradise build instead of demanding the core game be changed for your garbage
but no
the idea behind the post youre responding to is lost on you isnt it
youre totally fucked
Have sex.
Stop changing sexes
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>knife spear breaks after killing one (1) zombie
This argument reminds me of the time they changed "
_Sorry, you're not good enough to have a special ability." for something less "offensive" and the commit only lasted like 4 days
working as intended
Craft wooden spear / forked spear instead.
Knife spear is a meme weapon now.
>things that never happened
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>walk around to avoid a five headed hydra
>run into a six headed one immediately
Hurm. Got a few charges of disintegrate. Maybe I'll just hit lair instead.
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>Gozag troll
well at least whenever i need food i can buy a mechant...to buy food from...
Why is no one playing doomrl? Its basically like dcss but with actually interesting and satisfying combat, truly varied weapons, classes and builds, and no bloat at all.
wait dragons wont drop scales as gozag will they
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Try to attach knife to a wooden stick with some fucking twine or ducktape (lol) and then repeatedly smack at something with enough force to kill, even dirt in your backyard will do if you dont have anything better, report back with how many seconds it will last for.
>play Gozag
>lack an endgame weapon
>I'll just visit the hall of blades in E:2
>exec axe of flaming, just what I need
>let me just kill it so it drops the weapon as a corpse
Summon some shops, goy.
well at least gozag shops are weighted to sell things you can actually use right?? lol
i know i'll get my GDA by vaults 2 just watch bitches
but yea Tr^gozag is kinda hectic
Don't you run out of food?
not really, been sitting at 8-15 rations since I went gozag, and can always buy food stores. i think i get 350~ turns per. i for sure didn't consider the dragon armor situation though. we'll see how orc goes
Is nuzlocking a roguelike
Is cogmind party-approved?
Nope. Not a roguelike
Not a rl, also a shit game.
>also a shit game
Why so?
Just find a mace, ruks or a scimitar/axe with flame on it and kill the hydras, piece of cake
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you know, it's a lot funnier an hour later
It would be, if it wouldn't cost money.
Is that the fucking Amulet of the Four Winds? Why were you not wearing that?
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I was rollin' in it, anon
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Now that's a FAULT.
They should just make it so every race spawns with gourmand mutation already.
It provides no status bonuses and arguarbly doesn't help non-trolls, felids and kobolds at all, but it makes the game so much more convenient I always feel bad removing it for a better amulet
DCSS noob here, is there any point in wearing 2 rings of positive energy?
When fighting people with spells that are of 'darker' side, something like undead stuff or skeletons that can drain you or hit you with dark spells, since each ring gives one pip of rN and it helps a lot later on, especially against drain
two rings give stacking benefits, but you're almost always going to be better off diversifying your resistances or even just wearing like a +2 stat ring since so few attacks inflict the type of damage rings of positive energy defend against
They should just make it so every race spawns with the orb of zot already, that way you'll be able to win for once
Does the orb still appear in inventory, or is it some hidden thing now?
It appears on the rune display.
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What the fuck are you on about, this game is easy as fuck
>can't throw the orb in lava
>can't fall in lava
They removed it because it was too OP/Fun, like giving the pandemonium pizza to cerebrov
Answer me.
Or is this just another hating-games-you-haven't-played thing?
>recommended combos
you probably looked at the wiki more than 50 times too
t. winlet
dcssg containment thread when?
that thread would have more posts than /rlg/
I have won at least 40 times in the past 10 years offline
>4 wins per year
>average 0.01% winrate
oh no no no no
it's probably something like 3000-4000 games total, so like a solid ~1% winrate
actually probably raise that count to maybe like 6000 and lower the winrate in turn

anyway it's not about winning you guys, it's about having fun losing
No, it's pretty much about winning.
Nethack is a shit game objectively
True. No one here plays nethack
I play Nethack!
You are not a person
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Thats kind of rude. However in the interest of friendship and community building I will offer you a peace offering in the form of an old vintage review of Skyfox, a true classic. Disregard the other game on there, its one of those dusty old games that nobody has even thought of for twenty years. Really gotta get around to cropping it out sometime...
I never knew Nethack's tiles came from Rogue. It feels a bit odd seeing something so familiar in something so old.

>Needing to explain what hit points were and how they work.
Gaming was truly a wild frontier back then.
I wonder if it really is the tiles from nethack. It would seem kind of odd to see
proprietary graphics ripped off in a game like hack/nethack. But it does look pretty similar I have to say. Perhaps after epyx went out pf buisiness they relinquished the rights to it or something. Maybe I'll try to download and emulate the Atari st version of rogue if possible and test it out for myself.
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What was pandemonium Pizza??
>he doesn't know you used to be able to feed cerebrov the pizza to gain him as a perma ally
At least you're not this guy >>253000454
He is the embodiment of bad
What does /rlg/ think of adom?
not a roguelike
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>it's an "every fucking orc in the mines has a god damn crossbow" episode
god i hate this layout
fucking aggravating as hell
the worst was the warlord
>he doesnt make a kill hole
Ok r..
heard you faggots talking shit
*teleports behind you
*casts finger of death
heh, nothin personnel
Elona 0.3, everybody hates Biskup because of source code related shit.
A good compromise between nethack shenanigans and playability.
>wow, that was a pretty close fight. Good thing I managed to get out ali-
I decided that hmm today I will get into angband/variants but one glass at frogcomposband has intimidated the fuck out of me with the options. Is it actually super complex playing the bands or is it just the overwhelming options?
Roguelikes are for brainlets, so I guess it's not that complex
Angband gameplay tends to be pretty simple. Keep some escape items around, wear a resistance to every element and condition you're likely to run into, and keep enough your HP high enough to not get oneshotted. FCPB's complexity comes from its ridiculous variety of races and classes.
*bands aren't that complex, it's just that they're long games and later in the game you're always in danger of getting absolutely destroyed if you don't have the correct resistances(and even if you have them)
>try *band stuff for first time
>playing monster because im not a pussy
>scroll of monster confusion confuses me

did you even attempt to read anything about the game? Or playing blind? Don't play these games blind unless you don't mind wasting alot of time
Kill white males.
I cleared mage guild with a Cosmic/Dark character specializing in staff bolts. Drain is the only dark spell I wanted, but it's insanely good. It costs 1 MP, it's overall the best healing spell in the game, and it can carry you through the first few floors on its own. Time stop is ridiculously good once you have enough MP to abuse it, but it didn't work on Mhiu and probably won't work on any of the final bosses. Mhiu seems like she's the worst of the final bosses since she's fast, invisible, and has an instant death attack.
how do I know if they’re white? or even male? they all just look like letters on a screen
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>get statue form
>receive 15 runes for free
ah yes, big brain caster gameplay
holy based
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Alright, I procrastinated slightly and now I'm about the level 35 boss. I'll be fighting him here, which seems like a pretty based strat
what is this white game
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Alright, I got him but the situation is looking pretty dire. I only have one prayer. What is the theme song for this escape bros
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvdvFejreQ8 [Embed]
>**LOW HP!**
>A primitive rage burns inside you
>You hit Uuramesiel.
>You kill Uramesiel!
>tfw no Fate roguelike
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God has abandoned me. I only have 4 spotted seeds. Place your bets
Fuck it, I bet 50 bucks on you making it.
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alright, no fucking way I'm making it at this rate. There is a frozen pool on the other side of this floor but I don't know if it's actually gonna help. If it puts me in a cold state, I might make it. Otherwise, I'm doomed.
Can you just unequip everything and run naked to cool off or something?
I'm already naked. I'm already fucking running. There is no source of cold, I must get out of the dungeon to save myself
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The pool helped. I must see seven more floors before I can get out of here.
You can do it anon! Don't rush and plan carefully your steps!
Do you have any hp potions or something like that?
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I don't. But the sage did! It's over, I'm standing in front of the exit now!
Guess we can throw this game into the shitter now
Great job, anon.
>tfw nobody bet against me
>tfw I won't get any money
Nice. Gj anon! Write a guide for the pastebin, please?
Thoughts on the game? Is it actually good? Or were you just playing so you can be the first to complete it?
Well done.
>is it actually good
Well, I loved it, but I don't know if it's the knowledge that I was the first to beat it that made me carry on. It's a game that always keeps you busy, even though it's relatively short. Though I have to say, you can't win every run. Sometimes the game just doesn't give you the resources to do so. But then again, you can't win every Nethack run, can you? I defeated it in less than twenty tries, so it can't be that unfair.

Another reason to keep playing: I only won as a dwarf warrior, probably the strongest combination! You can still try to play an elf archer and see what happens.
The game is Mage Guild but that's a dump file, not a screenshot from the game itself.

Its site isn't up anymore, but it's available in this archive.org page:

The file is
ArchiveRL v1.0/Beta_Stable/MageGuild (v2.0.3)[stable].7z
Do dcss is bringing back darts.
Lame. Hopefully one day we can return to throwing actual weapons again. Nothing like having an orc warlord chuck a +5 elec battle axe
>But then again, you can't win every Nethack run, can you?
No, but you can come awfully close.
I was reading the guys site a while ago and on his last update he was predicting that a good player could win pretty consistently. I thought that was a bit ridiculous but holy shit didn't think somebody would get a full on win the next day!
how bad is gozag wrath? this no corpse shit is getting brutal
have any roguelikes had items in containers and containers in containers along with player inventory yet?
based deepfrozenanon did it
Isn't gozag one of the few with basically no wrath?
guess i should qualify my question with realistic containers with mass limitations
Yeah, you can do it in nethack. I think it even has some good use too, you can put a bag of holding inside a oilskin sack to protect your items from water damage. You can even with great difficulty put a bag of holding inside a bag of holding which will doubly reduce the weight of whatever you are carrying.
seems like its only 1/3rd fail pots and enemies sometimes gain might/haste/berserk for 2XL
thinking of switching to Usk or Mak
>last update four years ago
What a fucking shame. At least, if he reads my message, he'll see that someone still cares. I'd donate him some money but I don't even have a job
I wonder if nobody has every truly beaten the game until you did. As far as I can tell with google searches it seems like you are actually the first. Its a shame though, since it does seem to be pretty well known in roguelike circles.
Like 6 months ago (or maybe a year, time flies so fast here) some anon here played intensively for like 2 weeks, and iirc the best he did was reaching the deepest floor but dying on the way up, when the "cold" theme is reversed?

I think he also mentionned mailing the dev then and the dev saying he himself never beat the game.
sound slike a game i should try
Oh shit, thats a real shame. I guess people just really fell for the meme that the game was unbeatable. Or maybe you were just the first one to discover what skills are needed to beat the game.
>I am actually a fucking god of the roguelike world
Jokes aside, I was reading the guy's website and he says something like "soon someone other than me will beat the game". That should mean the dev has actually beaten the game. Do you have a link to that thread?
I guess the wording is ambiguous
Doesn't seem ambiguous at all. It's very unamibigously saying that he's beaten the game.
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Anyone done the Bey Lah quest in CoQ? I'm stuck at trying to find evidence. What forms can evidence take? I think I talked to everyone in town and surrounding it, checked the floor etc. but it seems I'm still lacking some
Oh yeah, reading it again you're right. Now I feel less legendary
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He could be implying that he thinks he will be beating the game soon, but that he hasn't yet done so.
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Hey, free xp
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Can someone explain that webm
Wait what

What happened?
If I had to guess judging by the visible messages, he managed to somehow tear off a part of his tank by colliding with the scooter.
According to the relatively recent (about half a year ago) vehicle-related change, torn off parts can become separate vehicles instead of collapsing into a pile of loot as before.
These vehicle parts were placed after his tank in the movement queue. As such, when his tank tried to move next turn, it crashed into a separated part which didn't got it's turn to move away yet.
That crash resulted in tearing another part of his tank off, which then caused yet another crash, and so on and on, as his tank instantly collapsed on itself.
nice game
watch his speed at top right corner, :18 to :21 sec
I think you're a true hero, anon.
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whacky shenanigans
Looks like he was driving something and crashed and died.
My memory is foggy. Look up the archive I guess, but who cares anyway.

Im not the guy who beat it today (>>253047758), but I do know he's not the first one to at least reach the bottom.
Why would anyone play CDDA
No, 96 is not vehicle mph, it's his character's movement speed.
He got thrown out of the tank (or rather the tank stopped existing around him), so the UI switched from vehicle control to the regular one.
Vehicle speed was not really that much, 48 mph.
Yeah, there is a pastebin on the OP with the guide that that guy probably wrote, and that's where I found out about the game
Ignorance, naivete, Stockholm syndrome
shafts ruin the game
>shafts ruin the game
shafts ruin the game
>shafts ruin the game
shafts ruin the game
>shafts ruin the game
shafts ruin the game
>shafts ruin the game
shafts ruin the game
>shafts ruin the game
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I've been playing ToME, but I'm in the dark eith some information that apparently I can't retrieve from the wiki.

What's this "healing mod"?
Cool just died in L:6 because I had no magic mapping and kept tele'ing into packs of monsters

Honestly I can't express the rage I feel when I die to a shaft it's just a random punishment for no fucking reason at all, there's no counterplay besides wasting resources, it's completely random, there's truly no fucking reason for them to be in the game.
>there's no counterplay besides wasting resources
I, too, immensely hate spending consumables. If the situation calls for quaffing a potion or reading a scroll, the situation is unfair.
What if I need to read tele 27 times during the orb run but I only have 26 scrolls because I used one in lair?
Might as well just suicide and start anew if you had to spend something.
shaft happens bruh
just reroll
i just lost a troll in V:5
guess what
rerolled, +4slay ring on turn 8
just keep playing maybe the game aint meant for you
how many total games have you got
Nice fault, retard! Next time play more optimally so you have more resources to save yourself.
>there's no counterplay besides wasting resources
On a serious note, play some sprints to learn how to use consumables, evocables and god abilities.
In a regular game you are fighting popcorn most of the time, so it's easy to fall into routine and forget about your options when they are needed.
Sprints, meanwhile, constantly force you to fight enemies which are too powerful for your character, so you need to consider your available resources and find a way to win. You'll be surprised how much a right pot or zap at a right time can affect your performance. And if you fail, you've only lost a few minutes of your time, so you can immediately try again with a different approach.
Granted, sprints are pretty unfair and poorly balanced, but they are a good help in learning the game.
lol at all those butthurt replies
Why are you not this fast at Crawl?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7Tr3E0hGPA [Embed]
Im 97.2% certain you had a way out of the situation you were in
Should have trained traps & doors
>not sub 10 mins
Healing mod increases the amount that you receive when you heal. In this case, it increases all healing by 10%

A stealth game it seems
What to splat next?
Tome has a very neat gameplay for casters, especially for a non-mana users.
CONGRATS TO THE FROZEN DEPTHS ANON! It's so nice to see a legendary ascend in here. Won't lie that I'm jealous, I usually died inbetween the 3rd and the 4th boss so to see someone ascend so quickly after saying they'll try it is both disheartening and encouraging. Are you gonna push for the true ending or cut loose?
He's already reached won the game. See >>253039771
what was your strat anon? I'm the guy that beat the game
I was the one who warned you about speedy shitters. Anyway, I generally ran a dwarf warrior for a while but it felt really difficult, especially around boss 3 (doesn't help I'm extremely inconsistent with my resource use). Moved onto a human ranger and generally kited with throws into melee shredding, but the final boss always proved too much and between stages 4 and 5 the resource burn would prove too much. Doesn't help that sometimes i'd get shit like no sage until floor 20. LEGITIMATELY HAPPY THOUGH GOOD FUCKING JOB!

I feel someone needs to put this ascend into the next OP
You found boss 3 difficult? Now that's weird. As a melee character I just lured him into a spot where he could only hit me from point blank and, in my winning round, he only took away a resurrection from me
I'm a very bad player and I have very little patience, plus I found his repeated jumping around very annoying and much easier to deal with in ranged since throwing actually starts doing good damage IF the floorgod is lucky with the drops.

Funnily enough, looking at my scores, the majority of my post-boss-3 deaths are either to Fierce enemies or random environment shit. The worst one that I'm still giga butthurt about was getting piety cut on one floor, then stepping into a tropical floor, catching fever from the first enemy, stepping into an unavoidable tp trap, getting tp'd to the other side of the map, stepping into a sleep trap then boiling to death because the iceblock wand only had 1 charge left and I had no seeds. I think I posted my bitching about it in here some months ago, it was like the ultimate frozen (boiling) turd sandwich
Well, shit does happen, I had my fair share of dumb deaths as well. How long did you try to beat the game?
Like 10 days at a time every few months, playing it coffee break style. I'm counting like 40-60 tries overall? I really enjoy the game, it's pretty random in the resource department but it STILL somehow feels beatable and merciless at the same time.
>just ignore this glaringly huge design flaw
I hadn't used any TP/blink/heal/fog/fear up to this point, burned them all trying to find an up-stair. Did you miss the point where i got shafted into the final fucking floor?
I've played and beaten sprint many times
Cool, there wasn't. Shafts are random and sometimes put you in completely unwinnable situations, especially in the early game.
Alright, not to flex but I won in less than 20 tries, so I guess it's not that luck based. Your pastebin helped immensely though.
>I hadn't used any resource at all till I got there
Sure thing Mr Fault alas 0% winrate
Beautiful. You can't defend it because it's an indefensible design decision so you resort to pretending you don't believe me. Don't (You) me again, brainlet.
HIDE dcss defense force posts
IGNORE dcss defense force posts
DO NOT REPLY to dcss defense force posters

Half of those are sarcasm anyway.
Not me who did it, that's another anon who made the pasta (I talked to him too, he was very helpful when I was trying to ascend). Also, good going, legit jelly, if anything now I feel inspired to ascend with another class.
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>Abilities that you wish you had in real life.
If someone rapes those bodies while you're not in it is it still rape?
Alternatively go fuck yourselves
dcss is a good roguelike but a bad game
Go back to /v/
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Alright so I'm playing a *band variant, frogcomposband, and playing a jelly. I can destroy shit with 'k' and when my inventory was empty it showed the list of ground targets, but now that i have shit in my inventory it always shows those and I can't for the life of me find the button to look at the list of ground targets instead. It must be possible based on the greyed out floor text
Press \ I think
I only play good roguelikes like
toejam and earl
Can you check your mutations/descriptions in *bands?
Diablo 1 with no saves
>Grid based movement
Yep. It's a roguelike
>not turn based
i guess spelunky is a roguelike too huh
Considering that I've seen people try to argue that Angband and Nethack aren't roguelikes, I'm not sure the term actually matters.
the only roguelike is Rogue
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Good night, /rlg/
As I recall you can get a lot of information by pressing C and then scrolling down. Some information can only be seen if you drink a potion of self knowledge, but mutations should be freely viewable on your character sheet.
Why are there no monstergirl roguelikes?
what gaem
>Why are there no monstergirl roguelikes?
While I was at a famili gathering I came up with something interesting, inspired by Ulillilla mind's game I decided to pretend to play a roguelike game in my mind, I called mindrogue, I played a couple of matches, invented classes and decided what would the potions do, I died multiple times, it was easier to play if I followed and imaginary grid in the wall.
Bards will sing the tale of anon, hero of /rlg/, for many months to come.
What is the purpose of gold in Rogue?
>playing any roguelike besides ToME
/rlg/ confirmed for low IQ lo test bugmen
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Roguelike Erectile Dysfunction
Jeeze, that was quite the google search. I can really appreciate that kind of autism.
I'd rather eat a steaming pile of dcss than touch that singleplayer mmo again.
Post PCs
>Cool, there wasn't
As i said, im 97.2% sure there was
Which isn't a roguelike, since it is exactly rogue, not merely like rogue.
Well, I like ToME.
You know guys, I like ToME, DCSS, other roguelikes, and I even like roguelites!
What a slut
It's worth points.
Tome 2 is ok. It's one of the better *bands at least. 4 is pure garbage, though.
You know guys, I just realized that I didn't give frozen depths' dev an email to answer me. I just linked him the thread and called him a cheeky fuck. I'm wondering if he's actually seen the thread
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Yes, I did. Bye
That's not me, I did not. Hello
The real dev would make an update on his website
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>caves of qud
>play esper
>wander the salt desert
>stumble upon a group of chitinous pumas doing battle with a group of fork-horned gnus
>the gnus have a legendary
>know the location of three giant water weeps
>somehow become buddies with antelopes
pic unrelated
>he plays Caves of Quck
>he acts like a faggot
imagine playing caves of cuck instead of a good roguelike like DCSS
>Dungeon Cringe Shit Show
So my choices are a game made by a cuckold and a game made by a tranny. Gee, it's almost like you're baiting me anon. Listen shitboot, I play what I want, you play what you want, and if you give me shit I'll call you out on it. Now sit your ass down boy, I didn't ask for your sass.
Because if I don't die in the Lair I die in the Shoals, and if I don't die in the Shoals I die in the Labyrinth.
My shaft ruins your mom's box and gives her the kid she always wanted.
Ragnarok has that, but it's mostly tied to urns having more urns having more urns having more urns having more urns having some green powder or a piece of meat.
Imagine being this bad at DCSS. This is actually sort of hilarious, there are people in this thread right now who are winlets
Well not everyone is good at DCSS. I do better at Caves of Qud and to a lesser extent ADOM. I do much better though in a lot of the smaller 7DRLs, and unless anyone else can claim otherwise I'm the only fuckhead in this thread who has beat Decker.
Yes I know Decker is not a 7DRL, shove off. I'm not your mother, you don't get to plow me. Real issue is Drain Storm doesn't work on Windows 19 and I'm not sure how to run it in compatibility mode. That game was the tightest shit. If any game needs a remake, it's ones that don't run natively on currrent OS. Fuck remasterinng Skyrim, that game isn't even ten yet.
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>tfw Windows 10 is now Windows 19 because I mistype
>Ragnarok has that, but it's mostly tied to urns having more urns having more urns having more urns having more urns having some green powder or a piece of meat.
The red bag lets you store like a million items inside and makes them weigh nothing.
>qud somehow manages to get worse with time
Why can't open world "roguelikes" contain their autism?
What is wrong with "people" who develop them?
ATTENTION: do not give attention to ster
how did it get worse over time
>item UI padded with worthless entries like "target", defaulting to "repair"
>disease that fucks with your UI by making it monochrome
>permanent stat damage enemies
>embraced dismember farming and added mine farming
>inventory operations now accumulate turn cost, so that you can stunlock yourself and then "wake up" to something chewing your face off for last 20 turns, with no warning
>slugsnouts now shoot in melee which makes them more dangerous than most enemies that give 2x as much xp
>"place turret" now requires ammo, which makes it nearly useless for its intended purpose, but does nothing to prevent part grind
Meanwhile all the easily fixable objective flaws are still in:
>painted, engraved etc. items still require manual looking at
>statues still require manual looking at
>fungus removal recipe is still a noob trap, you still want to use acid instead

They did add some non-retarded things, like AI losing track of you when it no longer sees you, but it's one step forward, two steps back, DDA style.
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To: Two, five, three, one, two, two, five, two, seven
Subject: Response

Dear Two, five, three, one, two, two, five, two, seven,

I am writing to you in regards to the post you submitted to boards.channel.org on 05/13/2019.

In that post, you asked, quote, "how did it get worse over time".

The response to your query is as following:
The developer team of Caves of Quqoldry has long since abandoned pretenses of developing the game in lieu of giving fake virtue-signaling nods towards mentally unwell individuals claiming to suffer from "transsexualism". They instead utilize their game as a political platform in order to normalize aberrant behavior such as gender-neutral pronouns instead of focusing on improving the game's mechanics. Please refer to the attached image as further evidence and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any other questions.

Yours sincerely,
So based
Is he a tomefag?
This would explain why we don't talk about tome.
What's decker like anon? Tips?
This sort of autism is exactly what I'd expect of /arelgee/.
Fuck off recluse
cool you're wrong
dredmor is a strange game. i wonder if that skill about aliens is good. the potions are mostly useless but...
Shit with cooldowns is almost universally bad, except when it's a buff.
You want spammy+scalable, proc, passive, buff or crafting. If it's neither of those, it's probably shit.
the alien skill potentially can give alchemy at 6 to craft some resistances and gives 2% for random recipe when killing an enemy. alchemy at 2 or 3 allows useful encrusting too. skepticism probably can give an extra item in the mysterious portal, but i'm not sure
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*It Ain't Me playing in the background*
We get it Malcolm you're still assmad over being retarded enough to stick with cuckcrawl for so many years and wondering why it went to shit
Are you winning son?
Your attention please, gamers for now on are forbidden to post in this general. You will be recquired to present a proof of having engaged in sexual intercourse in the last 48h.
The only winning move is not to simulate play
Playing Incursion for the first time, I enlisted a human paladin and for some reason it's attacking my lizard mount? Anyone know a fix?
Is it evil?
What is a cool roguelike I don't have to pay for
Why would it be? It's the mount I started with as a lizard paladin
iirc you can give orders to the companions with some key. or there is no fix for this. enlisting is useless though, most other skills too
Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead
DDA is both of those things
Go back to "making your own fun"
Shit game. Anyone else?
Have you played roguelikes before?
Yes, plenty
Ok then. Try out Larn. I find the game to be pretty cool. It doesn't really follow a lot of the conventions set by the earliest roguelikes like hack or moria like so many other games do.

The game tells me to choose a difficulty. What should I choose?
How the fuck do you play this

Do I really have to use the mouse?
Choose 0.
After you beat that increase it by 1, and so on.
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Nice game dude. It doesn't even have basic controls like resting.
'.' will rest for a turn.

But yeah, you just got unlucky. Try again I guess.
adom release 61 (2.0.0) was fun. the ice queen dungeon, farming dragons, early wishes/strength of atlas spellbook/slb/eternium armor from the tension room, killing sharad-waador in one hit... nowadays you can't even play as a barbarian or warrior comfortably, magic is essential. and magic is a bloat.
Nope, just makes you a double virgin incel.
I haven't seen a monstrous demonspawn in over 56 runs. I thought the chance was 1/10?
it's great but I never got very far,just towards the pyramid then got killed by an acid trap on my way out,did you know you can download the "newer" released version that has the extra races and classes for MS-DOS that's amazing for someone who still uses wordperfect for their main writing ave
There's literally not a single being as advanced on this plane as Biskup.
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Triangle Wizard
Your allies in Incursion turn on each other for extremely minor reasons. Ally-based characters are fine but need to be played with the understanding that everyone is expendable.
Takes away your aux attack which is like 5 dmg
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>page 10

People are busy playing roguelikes here.
Other games are mindless and then they have time to shitpost on /vg/
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never fails eh
friendly bump
>the jannyturd deleted my post btfoing quckposters

and rmut and clarity and stasis
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Started playing CDDA and I've gotten a decent handle on movement, building, crafting etc for a new player. I find myself fighting the urge to make a bunch of throwaway characters to clear areas for my main character to then go loot.
Sex is good.
Missed it, repost?
Dweomer Thief master race, can't even imagine winning as any other class.
>Princess Maker minus the cute and funny with inferior save system
Why bother, dude. The translated DOS game is free and is still the best anyway.
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unfriendly bump!
>only gets a rating of 2 thinking guys

Sounds about right. What kind of game gets 3 thinking guys?
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh CDDA
Is the original game a roguelike?
No. It doesn't have non-modal gameplay. There's a main menu in it separate from proper gameplay, so it can't be a roguelike.
So its a roguelite?
Does entering the name for your character in rogue disqualify it from being a roguelike? How about the score screen?
Does CDDA have pooping and pissing system yet? Because yeah all those food has to go somewhere (either it stays in you or they go out as excrement)
Being able to throw crap at people might be interesting.
>have Self Aware trait
>oops, we can't show how much kilocaloriedollarydoo is swimming in your bloating gut, bro
wew lad
please fuck off and never post about working as intended days ahead again
Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead looks like a fun game.
What mods do you use?
I use the "bullet in my brain" mod. Sadly it doesn't seem to be working :^(
Isn't that in the base game?
>I'm getting indefinite hangs in the starve test, I had a bunch of other stuff merged but I doubt it was from them.
The guy really doesn't test the stuff he codes, does he
Someone make a 4chan roguelike
What would it be like? What features does it have?
Boards are floors, you're trying to reach /j/ to slay the great evil of Gookmoot. The gimmick is that instead of actual procedural generation the game employs a system in which the respective board's catalog is accessed at map generation to create something. The slower, more static boards could be earlier to create a consistent earlygame while the fast, chaotic boards produce an interesting endgame.
>The slower, more static boards could be earlier to create a consistent earlygame while the fast, chaotic boards produce an interesting endgame.
I think it should be the other way around because you will end up playing the early game a lot more often than the late game, meaning there should be more variation in the early game.
True, and while a less varied earlygame is more boring it does lead to less early bullshit deaths since you pick up the tools for the later horseshit. Another good reason for fast boards being earlygame is that the fast boards are generally entry-level while the slow ones are more specific and niche. That being said, when the lategame is more consistent a game will basically have a sort of difficulty hump and then no more increases as after the initial struggle you know what you need to do and likely won't be taken too far off the path to that.
Nah, this is an actual instance of testing before merging. You can tell because the PR is open and not merged.
>energy randomized brimstone fiend spawns and kills Yiuf in 1 turn 3 steps before D:1 entrance

Dogs do, you can already throw dog turds (frozen)
If you associate yourself with nu-dda in any way, you're full of shit, so it doesn't need to go out anywhere.
I want to take a nap
Sometimes I wonder about nethack

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